Water Service Line Survey: To comply with the Federal Lead and Copper Rule Revised, the City must record an inventory of all materials in our system from the water main to where the service line connects to your building. You can help!  Send us a picture of your scratch test. Learn more at thedalles.org/waterservicelinesurvey
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City of The Dalles, OR

Wasco County Joint Enterprise Zone

The Dalles/Wasco County Enterprise Zone was re-designated as the Wasco County Joint Enterprise Zone on July 1, 2018. Sponsors of this zone include: Cities of The Dalles, Dufur, Maupin, Mosier, and Wasco County, and the Port of The Dalles.

Enterprise zones are a financial tool that provides property tax abatements to promote business investment and job creation into economically distressed areas. Over the past 30 years, The Dalles has seen consistent use of this tool, resulting in new and expanded businesses, new jobs, and higher wages but there are still needs within the community and County. The new Wasco County Joint Enterprise Zone brings this financial tool to additional areas of Wasco County.  

There are three types of abatement: 

Standard: 3 year agreements provide tax abatement on the added value of real property development provided the employer increases their employment by at least 10%. These agreements require County Assessor and Zone Manager approval.  

Extended: 4-5 year in length and require the same employment increase as a three year agreement, and also has compensation and wage requirements. Extended agreements also permit sponsors* to place additional requirements on the business in order to receive the abatement.

Long-Term: 7-15 years in length and various minimum requirements based on location and size of investment. Long term agreements also permit sponsors* to place additional requirements on the business in order to receive the abatement.

*Extended and Long Term agreements require the approval of the relevant geographic sponsors. In other words, approval is required from the City where the development takes place as well as the Wasco County Commission and potentially the Port of The Dalles if within the Port district.

City of The Dalles Zone Boundaries

Maupin, Dufur, and Mosier Zone Boundaries

Pine Grove, Wamic, and Tygh Valley Zone Boundaries

Within the City of The Dalles Outside the City of The Dalles
The City of The Dalles provides zone management for enterprise zone applications submitted for developments within the city limits of The Dalles. To learn more please contact Dan Spatz, Economic Development Officer, dspatz@ci.the-dalles.or.us

The Mid-Columbia Economic Development District (MCEDD), through its role as staff for the Wasco County Economic Development Commission (EDC) provides zone management for enterprise zone application submitted for developments outside the city limits of The Dalles. To learn more please contact Carrie Pipinich, Project Manager at 541-296-2266 or at carrie@mcedd.org